Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What to expect in June

What's happening in June? Nothing... I'm still whipped from Spring Quarter and the last thing I want to do is drawing another damn comic page. So, during June I'll working on story ideas and doodle up some different designs for my trio. If I attempt to do anymore comics or artwork, I feel like my whole hand will fall off. lol

Anywho, so don't expect much this month. I need sleep...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Uploads and Other Information

Now that the Sequential Squad is all set to go, I can start thinking of story ideas and scenarios for my characters.

First things first, some bad news. I just came home from college today, meaning I am far, FAR away from a decent scanner and Photoshop. *sad face* So, there will be no uploads starting today until September. I'll have to stash my comic pages somewhere until I return to college for Fall Quarter.

I really wish I had Photoshop right now. I have some leftover artwork I want to color. *sigh*


My new webcomic is ready to begin! After two years of a drought, I finally came up with a new series to work on. Had a looooong debate on the characters I wanted to use for my new series considering I have over 19 different characters. (yeah...) But I came to a decision and limited myself to three; Amber, Jocelyn, and Alex "Hazzard/Hazz". Why those three? Well, Amber is the first character I created when I entered college, so she deserved the spotlight. Jocelyn was added being she's the only character from high school I actually draw. And for Alex "Hazzard/Hazz", well can't the creator add him/herself to the strip? lol

Anywho, without further delay, here's the Sequential Squad!!!